
(0-1) google外国語翻訳 で当サイトURL(www.kotani-ofc.jp)を翻訳していただいても、この手元パソコンと英語への翻訳の場合で文字化けしてしまう部分がいくつかあり、代表者のfamiry nameも誤表示になっている部分もなかなか直してもらえないのですが・・、かなり正確な翻訳をしてくれます。

  There are some parts garbled (in the case of this PC and translation for English),and it though the part where representative's famiry name (is a mis-display) is not mended easily ‥, by google外国語翻訳 , A considerably accurate translation is done.
 And though it becomes the translation display of the result of inputting the word in Japanese, it is possible to use after 'Full-text search in this site' in the foreign language of google translation also translates the foreign language.
 The character of the (in this site) link display of 'Full-text search in this site' (lower side of the top page) is garbled, too.

(0-2) 『翻訳:@nifty』サイトでの、当サイト(など)の日本語からの英語などへ自動翻訳のサービス機能が、下記[]内表示のように使えていたのですが、2015年11月01日確認して、残念ですが、終了してしまったようです。

 [翻訳:@niftyで当サイトURL(www.kotani-ofc.jp)の翻訳をしていただくと、日本語から、英語と中国語と韓国語への翻訳のみですが、とても正確な翻訳をしてくれます。日本語−外国語の対照翻訳表示もしてくれます。もちろん手直ししたい所はいくつかありますが。(特に、「− [hyphen]」 が、「 ? マーク」 になってしまいます。)
 The service function which checked it on November 1, 2015, it's automatic translation to English, Chinese, Korean from Japanese of our site (etc.) by a "translating: @nifty" site, it could be used like following [...,], it seems to end.
It seems helpful as a window of the text translation, so following indication is left.

 [When this site URL(www.kotani-ofc.jp) is translated by 翻訳:@nifty, a very accurate translation is done only though it translates from Japanese to English, Chinese, and Korean. Moreover the contrast translation display of Japanese-foreign language is possible. Though there are some places that adjust of course. (Become " ? mark" .. : of "- hyphen" especially... )
 The translation: 'Full-text search in this site' in @nifty is possible, and the translation display of the result of inputting the word in the foreign language is possible here.
 However, only the file's worth to which the file division is done might be able to be translated because of the capacity of the file.
 (When the capacity of the file is large, it occasionally drives it to the translation for about one minute. )]

(0-3) 2015年11月01日確認して、上記いずれの翻訳サイトも、日本語表示なので、ほとんど役に立っていなかったのかもしれません。

 Confirm November 1, 2015, any of the above translation sites, because the Japanese display, it might have not been helpful.
 When time is taken, I wanted to make an English site.
